Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MANAGMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MANAGMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY - Assignment Example (2002) stated that contrary to the standard business of product and services, customer satisfaction is intangible and challenging to measure but it is a fundamental aspect of the hospitality business. The industry involves offering an environment that mimics the customer’s comfort zone in terms of accommodation and catering as well as communication. Health and safety must be guaranteed for customers and employees to ensure accomplishment of customer expectations in the hospitality industry are perceived with greater intensity than for many other products and services (David, 2009). Garden, (2008) observed that modern technology has enhanced customer feedback mechanisms, such as the application of mobile technology for customers to place a request and to give instantaneous feedback with regards to the services offered. According to Marshall & Johnston (2009), customers are rational in their evaluation and may give positive remarks where least expected or fail to give credit whe re it is highly anticipated. Hammond et al. (2006) proposes a point of involvement and feedback check whereby employees and customers are offered a chance to indicate if they are satisfied with the health and safety measures that have been put in place within the organization at all levels of the supply chain. Electronic devices can be installed in the various facilities available for customers and employees for them to key in anonymously their views regarding their perceptions with regard to their health and safety. These include food, water and environmental safety in relation to facilities such as kitchen, toilet, bathroom, and bed or water dispenser among others. Whenever an issue is detected, it is electronically transmitted directly into the management’s notification system. Zheng (2004) observed that constant monitoring of the implementation of health and safety standards is necessary for effective improvements whenever changes are needed. Popper (2004) noted that heal th and safety surveys enhance an organizations capacity to retain and also attract potential customers as well as to retain employees. This is accomplished through well designed and implemented study questions that allow real trend exploration. Such surveys provide useful information regarding the necessary amendments to improve health and safety standards. CODEX ELEMENTARIOS was developed by the UN to control risks in 1962. It developed the hazard assessment system called HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control; Point). Health and safety study helps in risk analysis to determine if there is high risk (Critical Control Point), medium risk or low risk (control points). It is important to help in the analysis of the intensity or severity of risk and frequency of occurrence (Kotler et al. 2002). 3.0 Research Question Are employees and customers exposed to risks that may affect their well-being? 3.1 Research Philosophy, Approach and Strategy This research will be based on the genera l understanding that workers and customers are rational and will offer a true reflection of their feelings regarding their health and safety in the organization. It is assumed that they clearly understand what they need and are also capable of evaluating whether their expectations have been met. It is also expected that employees and customers will be ready to sacrifice 5 minutes of their time to

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